EarlyBirds Is Helping Digital Government Initiatives Keep Up With The Speed of Innovation


Forde, April 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Australia-based open innovation ecosystem EarlyBirds is helping governments all around the world keep up with the demands of an ever-changing and ever-complex digital services delivery environment through the use of actionable innovations. EarlyBirds is a melting pot for the best startups, scale-ups, and mature innovators and subject matter experts who are willing and ready to meet the high tech needs of large companies as well as government bodies struggling to find a foothold in the new information technology paradigm. Readers can find out more about the company’s Open Innovation Map by heading over to its website.

United Nations Identify Why There is Slow Speed of Innovation

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social and Economic Affairs, during a presentation about innovation and digital government for public service delivery, compared the speed of the progress of technology, the speed of organization and management, and the speed of public policy decision making in the familiar terms of miles per hour. The organization determined that technological innovation moves at a breakneck speed of 10,000 mph, organization, and management move at 1000 mph, while public policy is the slowest to budge and can be thought of as moving at the paltry speed of 10 mph.

This indirect comparison is indicative of how slow public bodies are usually to respond to changes in technology is due to the nature of government, it is often occupied by people who are of a generally older demographic and are more concerned with geopolitics and human issues as opposed to the sea change that technological innovations can bring about in their citizens’ lives. Though this perception of ineffective and slow to adapt government rings true in most parts of the world, some technocratic regions are bucking the trend and turning to experts in emerging technologies to solve issues that have held back the long-term growth, wealth, and prosperity of nations. Some governments are using digital technologies to innovate the way they operate, share information, and make decisions and deliver services including engaging and partnering with citizens to solve policy challenges and provide accessible, reliable, and personalized services to citizens.

OECD Policies To Speed Up Government Processes

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), an international organization comprised of 38 member countries, that has been working to build better policies for better lives for over 60 years, said that it is supporting the development of strategies that not only speed up government processes whose slow turnaround times are detrimental for public welfare but are also willing to create systems that increase transparency and create more trust between a government and its populace.

Earlybirds Working With Early Adopters

EarlyBirds’ founder Jeff Penrose talks more about how the company can help governments adapt to the new digital future by saying, “Governments are not known for being on the cutting edge as those in power are usually grandfathered in their ways and behind the times. Though wisdom and experience have their benefits in the grand scheme of things, the only way to be competitive in the modern world is to pick the right partners who are willing to revamp the old way of doing things to bring tangible benefits to the lives of their fellow countrymen. EarlyBirds can help you find these innovative young trailblazers who are daring enough to forge their vision of a digital future. If you are an Early Adopter organization or a government body looking for ways in which to dramatically reach and serve more people, find out more about our Explorer and Challenger programs. We are confident that the bright enterprising minds that make up our cohorts of innovators can find smart ways to overcome the unique challenges that you are facing.”

EarlyBirds Platform and Services

EarlyBirds’ Explorer program is suited for businesses who need innovation as a service to supplement existing innovation programs or to conduct innovation projects as required. The company’s Challenger program is designed to solve one business or technical challenge at a time and search for relevant innovators that meet the business, technical, commercial, and business risk requirements. The EarlyBirds Platform has in excess of 4 Million Innovators with comprehensive search and discovery tools and capabilities to manage Innovation Projects, Innovation Pipeline and to create theme based global Innovation Maps.

For more information, on the many different programs that EarlyBirds has put in place to help those with business and administrative problems find the most elegant and cost-effective solutions, readers can head over to its website at earlybirds.io.


For more information about EarlyBirds, contact the company here:

Mr Kris Poria and Mr Jeff Penrose
+61 401 287 060

CONTACT: Mr Kris Poria and Mr Jeff Penrose

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