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Modern Slavery a Complex Challenge

Addressing modern slavery in the global workforce is a complex challenge that requires the concerted effort of consumers, corporations, and governments. However, the interplay of economic incentives and systemic barriers often creates disincentives for these key actors to fully engage to eradicate coercive and exploitative labor practices.

Here are some of the primary disincentives facing each group:




modern slavery child miners

Modern Slavery Shift Needed

To truly address the issue of modern slavery, there must be a shift towards a common purpose that transcends these disincentives. This requires building a collective ethical stance that values human rights over lower costs and higher profits.

It also involves creating more robust international legal frameworks and enforcement mechanisms that level the playing field for businesses worldwide and reduce the competitive disadvantage of adhering to ethical practices.

Additionally, raising consumer awareness and empowering consumers through transparent supply chains can shift market dynamics in favor of ethical labor practices.

The news story Exploitation Unveiled: Forced Labor in the Global Private Sector sets out the textile industry’s hidden workforce, Uyghur forced labor, fast fashion, Europe’s overlooked crisis in agriculture, and domestic servitude in the Gulf states.

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