In a Neo-Nazi style measure of forced vaccination, the Northern Territory’s government is rounding indigenous people up using the military. Now the victims of government’s forced vaccination program have sent out a desperate call for international intervention.
Chief Minister Michael Gunner called the low vaccination rate and a few new COVID cases an extreme threat to lives, as cited by They are calling it “quarantine camps” and are used to isolate people who test positive for COVD as well as their close contacts.
To date, 38 close contacts from these communities have been transported to Darwin’s Quarantine camp, Howard Springs.
Although there is no evidence that vaccination helps prevent COVID or make it less of a threat, the pressure to make people take the jab by the governments in Australia is fueling the fire of speculation that the alleged pandemic emergency is just a lame justification of establishing dictatorial government systems in the west.
Lurnpa Dave Cole. Screenshot @ BitChute
Indigenous Leaders Speak Out
And while the victims of this system are nationwide, the indigenous tribes of Northern Territory are being subjected to this extreme measure of its kind rarely seen in the civilized world until 2020 and onward. Rejecting the COVID vaccines, these people have declared the lockdowns and vaccination a war on their freedom.
In a BitChute video, indigenous tribal leader Lurnpa Dave Cole of the Original Sovereign Tribal Federation called for international assistance against forced vaccination of the community members by the Northern Territory government. He said that the government is using foreign military and foreign police officers to intimidate the indigenous people into vaccination, and those who are fleeing the community to save themselves from this tyranny are being fined 5000 dollars.
Aboriginal Elder June Mills echoed Cole’s desperate call for help by recording her video and posting it to social media. Survival Magazine posted about her angry reaction to the government’s dictatorial measures against her people. Mills called Michael Gunner’s rationale for COVID camps “Bullshit” and called on the people to stand up against the tyranny.