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Australia’s Major Parties Have Failed The People

Listening to the drumbeat of Australians making their views known in social media and letters to the editor, it is clear that many people believe Australia’s major parties have failed the Australian people for years. Sadly, for most of the population, the bad things politicians have done have not been obvious, at least not obvious enough to have woken the sleeping giant that is the majority of voters. Over the past two years, the government response to COVID has caused a change in attitude towards politicians, “health professionals,” and the medical profession.

The question many people are asking is: has that change in attitude become a widespread enough awakening to affect the makeup of the federal parliament? Are Australians too laid back to stop the politicians and bureaucrats ruling over us for their own benefit?

To investigate this, there are two main questions.

  1. What did the politicians do to fail people and country?
  2. Do all Australians realise what they did?

Political System Failure

Professor Ian Marsh, Adjunct Professor at the University of Tasmania and researcher with the Institute for the Study of Social Change documented how in 2016, over the previous decade, Australian politics veered from one crisis to another. There were five prime ministers in five dysfunctional years. There was ruinous inter- and intra-party warfare, and policy gridlock. Chronic leadership, factional rivalries and internal ideological conflicts affected both Coalition and Labor governments. The Greens were joined at the hip with Labor and the Nationals with the Liberals. While there were no prime Minister changes since, there has been little improvement.

The principal aim of the major parties appears to be to destroy their opponents. This often takes precedence over doing good for the country and people.

The parties often appear to take massive swings against their own long-held policies, as though they had been coerced into making a change by some outside force.

Professor Marsh noted that there is much common ground between the major parties, “… but you would never know.” He said that any apparent electoral advantage ends any possibility of sane debate, and internal cultural differences and rivalries prevent any common action.

Because political debate is dominated by adversarial positions, the resulting public conversation then prevents public understanding of complex challenges. Back in 2016, Professor marsh alerted us to upcoming issues, but most of us were not listening. He said “… Paradoxically this is at a time when the backwash of globalisation creates an even greater imperative for prudent public discussion (e.g. refugees, global banking system fragility, the continuing advantages of free trade).  Far from advancing this outcome, the parliamentary conversation is corrupting – it enhances public cynicism and, for immediate political advantage, forecloses options.”

“In a nutshell, we have a political system that cannot lead us into the twenty-first century.”

This system was formed in 1909 when the present two major parties consolidated around different domestic responses to the capitalist economy. This debate was partially seen off by Gough Whitlam and finally put to bed by the Labor government in 1983.

Australia Major Parties and politicians failed the people. Image by NewsBlaze.

Professor Ian Marsh

Professor Marsh died in 2017, but his work lives on, to guide us now.

I tend to see Professor Marsh as being like the small boy in The Emperor’s New Clothes: challenging widely-shared assumptions. To a profession which was resolutely focused on parties and parliament and elections, and which tended to  see policy in terms of the working of these institutions, he pointed out that the really big policy shifts in recent years. – The recognition of the environment, gender and global warming as matters for concern – had all emerged outside these institutions, despite the political system, rather than within it.  Perhaps it was because he was outside the mainstream – a political scientist in a business school, a small-‘L’ liberal in a left-leaning profession. He was better at recognising where the story started to creak. So we will miss his contribution to the analysis of our politics, and his personal style, always confident that a smile and a relentlessly reasonable attitude would see him through; it usually did.” – Dr. Hal Colebatch.

Bad Things Done

Government exercising control over the people.

Government causing food and energy shortages.

Government allowing the selling of Australian land and resources, such as water rights, to foreigners.

NT government lied to the aboriginal population and force-vaccinated them, killing several elders.

Sold off the port of Darwin to a Chinese company with a 99-year lease.

Banned the use of life-saving medications.

Governments handed over personal freedom to unelected bureaucrats and stood back.

Used the police to intimidate, terrorise and harm Australians.

Ignored the science on COVID, PCR testing, viruses and masks.

Destroyed small businesses while giving a free pass to big business.

Destroyed the Australian economy.

Handed out money to some, but not all of the people.

Caused some people to lose their homes.

Spent taxpayer money to fund coercion.

Lied to taxpayers, to indoctrinate them into believing untested COVID vaccines were safe and effective.

Followed the WEF’s plan.

Prepared to accept the handing over of Australian sovereignty to the United Nations.

Coerced doctors and hospitals into abandoning the hippocratic oath.

Did not prevent AHPRA from coercing doctors.

Ignored people who were harmed by COVID vaccines.

Spending taxpayer money like water for no reason, $146million to teach Vietnamese to kill Australian cattle.

Major Parties sat on their hands and did not support the people.

Major parties in lockstep.

The politicians use any external event, such as a the conflict in Ukraine as an opportunity to bolster their position as a tough-guy, splurging taxpayer money into a war that is none of our business, and that could have been ended without so much loss of life and property. Then those politicians use their own followers to attack their opponents, further making the people fight against each other, rather than working together for the common good.

Which Major Parties Failed?

As noted above, the Greens were joined at the hip with Labor and the Nationals with the Liberals.

Bureaucrats at Fault

The major parties and politicians in general are not the only ones at fault. Behind them are bureaucrats pulling the strings, implementing programs, causing problems for the people.

The politicians are more seen to have failed the people because they are the most visible. (except that many of them have been keeping their heads down, doing nothing until they need help manning the how to vote handouts.

The people assume that things will get better, but that is highly unlikely. Things can only get worse if the politicians are left to make changes on their own. So that means the people must take action to create massive change.

Australians React Against Government Overreach

The major parties, government, bureaucrats and media have caused much harm to Australians over the past two years, and the media have been used to distract the population from what is going on. But some Australians were able to see through the smokescreen and did their own research. Grass-roots freedom-centric groups have formed and connected with each other. Some Australians are now standing for parliament at the next election, in a bid to hold the big parties to a higher standard.

This will be covered in another story.

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